Bhutan is enormously rich in bird diversity.
Of the 675 species recorded, 78% are resident and breeding, 7% are
passage migrant, 8% are winter visitor, 6% are uncertain and 1% fall in
the data deficient category; 27% show elevational migrations.
Bhutan has two critically endangered (white-bellied heron Ardea insignis is white rumped vulture), one endangered, 12 vulnerable (black-necked
crane Grus nigricollis, rufous-necked hornbill Aceros nipalensis,
chestnut-breasted partridge Arborophila mandellii, Pallas’s fish eagle
Haliaeetus leucoryphus, beautiful nuthatch Sitta Formosa, wood snipe
Gallinago nemoricola, Blyth’s tragopan Tragopan blythii, greater spotted
eagle Aquila clanga, Imperial eagle Aquila heliaca, Baer’s pochard
Aythya baeri, Hodgson’s bushcat Saxicola insignis, dark-rumped swift
Apus acuticauda, and grey-crowned prinia Prinia cinereocapilla), 11 near-threatened, and 11 restricted range bird species (Blyth’s
tragopan Tragopan blythii, chestnut-breasted partridge Arborophila
mandellii, dark-rumped swift Apus acuticauda, ward’s trogon Harpactes
wardi, rufous-throated wren babbler Spelaeornis caudatus, hoary-throated
barwing Actinodura nipalensis, brown-throated fulvetta Alcippe ludlowi,
white-naped yuhina Yuhina bakeri, yellow-vented warbler Phylloscopus
cantator, and broad-billed warbler Tickellia hodgsoni) as per IUCN 2003.
On a global scale, the country is recognized as forming a part of several globally important bird regions. It is a part of the Sino-Himalayan mountain forests, Indo-Burmese forests, Indo-Gangetic grasslands, South Asian arid habitats, and Tibetan plateau wetlands – all categorized as globally important bird regions by BirdLife International.’
For Birding Trips Contact:- 00-91-281-246523

On a global scale, the country is recognized as forming a part of several globally important bird regions. It is a part of the Sino-Himalayan mountain forests, Indo-Burmese forests, Indo-Gangetic grasslands, South Asian arid habitats, and Tibetan plateau wetlands – all categorized as globally important bird regions by BirdLife International.’
For Birding Trips Contact:- 00-91-281-246523
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